Friday, October 30, 2009

Conversation with a very old lady.

In a hot, sweaty and extremely uncomfortable afternoon. An exceptionally stylish, good looking, smart and sexy young man (that would be me. This is my blog. so back off. u can describe yourselves however you want in your own blog) walking back to his office. As he was cursing the hot weather he enters into a narrow walkway right behind a very old lady walking slowly and leaning heavily on a makeshift cane made out of some discarded table legs.

(hmm writing in third person is ridiculous so i would switch to first person now) As i was walking behind this ponderously slow old lady. I was thinking to myself. "Maybe i can "accidentally" kick her cane and accidentally take her bag, reach for her purse and accidentally run away very quickly. Hmm if only i dont have conscience."

To occupy myself while waiting for this lady, i was amusing myself with the mental image of suddenly brushing past her, then pretend to fall down then got up screaming that i will sue her children out of their inheritance.(insert evil laugh here).

As i was smiling with this imaginary evil scheme her makeshift cane slip on instinct i reach forward and catch her (damn. i can feel her bones right thru her dress. urrghh.)

I was about to cuss the hell out of her when i saw her rheumy, cataract eyes. Damn, she's practically blind. I asked her what she was thinking walking around when she can barely see. Then she speak some nonsense about being lost trying to go to her daughters house. (havent she heard of GPS navigation)

I think she is a bit senile. She keep on rambling on and on. I decide to save myself the hassle and leave. As i was walking back i look back at her. I saw her vainly trying to cross the street (it was a 3 lane highway on both sides.

I mean. Come on. I couldnt just leave her like that. She can barely see. If i just leave her like that then i would always wonder what happen to her. Cursing "stupid, blind old hag with a suicide wish." I hurry to her side and take her free hand and literally her push her across the street when a lag of traffic occur. thinking " Stupid, stupid conscience, never do me any good. With my luck i would wound up dead and the news paper would say i was trying to rob her or trying to rape the old hag.

Hmm as we barely make it accross i sat her down (rather roughly) on the bus stop and ask her where is her daughters house. I sat with her and told her. " So what ur story? why are u so adamant walking about when u cant barely see."

To my deepest and most ardent dismay she start telling me her story. From conception to a state of near decrepitude she is in now. Luckily her bus arrived around 15 minutes later. So i was save the details of her third marriage and her lovely three legged cat.

As i saw her leave on that bus i was surprised to find myself feeling satisfied and good about myself. Maybe the corny line that a good deed is a reward in itself wasnt just a load of bullshit. As i recross the street i was nearly run over by some indian taxi driver. Stupid curry shitting immigrants.............


"Perhaps u should write a blog." that statement from a very close friend mine. Sparks off this curiously lame and apparently popular notion of writing a blog. My view on bloggers, (in general of course, and present company included) is that they just have to much time on their hands, and nobody cares what u think. Are u vain enough to think that what u wrote could actually have any impact. However minutely and minuscule, to anything in any particular order. Do u actually think that a good blog writing could suddenly bring about a positive outcome.

But of course i am contradicting myself. If i really, wholeheartedly, and sincerely believe that. Why the hell am i writing this. Why would someone who dont believe in blogging write a blog? Perhaps i am not as jaded or cynical as would like to think. (Oh yeah, since when is being cynical cool. U know what i mean. In a teen movie there is always a cynical anti-social bastards. making snide comments and making it sounds cool. Well maybe we discuss that later)

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. This first post is about beginnings. Introductions, all other shit like that . Since i was old enough to cuss. I 've always have an opinion on almost everything. And of course being a freaking generous guys i decide to share this opinion to others. Mainly my friends. I am merely fulfilling my social obligations, because most people are stupid, dumb and are not endowed with superior intelligence like me. (yes i am full of myself i am aware of this)

One of my close friends after years of verbal abuse by yours truly have finally lost her patience and say" Why dont u save all the shit you want to say and write in in your blog" "Ive answered"I dont have a blog" She said "Perhaps u should WRITE a blog"

Since I'm in her car and we're miles away from my house. I decide not to tell her that her hair looks like road kill, and her bag is ugly and her breath smell like rotten corpse...(maybe i am still a little bit bitter over that)

So now here we are. The beginnings of my first post..... Soooo

Moving on, this blog is all about me. All useful information, tutorials or educational value that you obtain from this blog is purely incidental. I am not RUNNING A TUTORIAL, INFORMATION OR SOCIAL GROUPS OR EVEN EDUCATIONAL BLOG.

This is all about me, my opinions and thinking. But of course i am open if u wanna talk or comment and other shits that people would normally do in a blog..

So thats it. I'll be putting up new post as regularly as i can. (as if anybody would be reading this. And if you are, dont u have better things to do?) later